
semi-automatic video annotation tool

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LabelV is a semi-automatic video annotation tool for computer vision training data generation


sudo apt install ffmpeg

pip install .

Quick start.


More detailed explanation and show-case

There is a blog post describing how this is implemented using OpenCV and how it can be used in generating training data for object detection algorithms.


Data format


Whenever a video is uploaded it is saved under upload/video/VIDEO_ID.EXT where VIDEO_ID is a unique random string and EXT is the file format extension of your video.

Every time a user starts working with a video adding keyframes and labels, a session is created. The stored under upload/session/VIDEO_ID.EXT-SESSION_ID where SESSION_ID is a unique random string. This files contain a json object.

The session object contains a “keyframes” member whose keys are keyframe frame numbers (as strings due to the json format), and whose values are keyframe objects:

{"keyframes": {"14": KEYFRAME_OBJECT,
               "26": KEYFRAME_OBJECT,
               "200": KEYFRAME_OBJECT}}

Each keyframe object has a set of labels and a KEYFRAME_KEY. The KEYFRAME_KEY is a unique id use to identify this particular set of labels for this particular frame. If the user where to change the keyframe, a new key would be generated.

                   "data": {"label": ITEM}}

The keyframe labels reside under the key “labels” under the key “data” and is a recursively defined structure. At each level one of two possible objects can be present:

A label

ITEM = {"type": "Label",
        "args": {"bbox": [208,214,69,84],
                 "title": "The chair"}}

or a group

ITEM = {"type": "Group".
        "args": {"bbox": [208,214,69,84],
                 "children": [ITEM,ITEM,...],
                 "title": "Dining group"}}

When a user navigates to a non-keyframe, the tracker tracks the bboxes from the last keyframe before the current frame, and generates updated bboxes for all frames in between. These are stored under upload/tracker/VIDEO_ID.EXT/KEYFRAME_NUMBER/KEYFRAME_KEY/FRAME_NUMBER.json where FRAME_NUMBER is the frame number minus the keyframe frame number (so starts from zero). Each such file contains an ITEM as defined above encoded as json.