
SakStig is an objectpath implementation that uses proper querysets and supports querying any python object that supports the dict or list interfaces

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We’ll be using the following test.json for all examples below:

    "store": {
	    "book": [
		    {"price": 4, "title": "foo"},
		    {"price": 5, "title": "bar"},
		    {"price": 6, "title": "fie"},


In its simplest form, $ allows you to extract a value from the data document:

>>> sakform.transform(data,
...     {"price": {"$": "$[0].price"},
...      "description": "First book price"})
{"price": 4, "description": "First book price"}

Normally, if the exression returns multiple matches, only the first one is used. However, whenever {"$": "expression"} is used inside a list, all results are merged into the list:

>>> sakform.transform(data,
...    {"prices": [47, {"$": "$*.price"}, 11],
...     "description": "Book prices"})
{"prices": [47, 4, 5, 6, 11], "description": "Book prices"}

If the object containing $ also contains other members, a mapping is performed on the matches, replacing them with an object with those members. The matched object is however available as @template() from within SakStig expressions inside these members:

>>> sakform.transform(data,
...    {"books": [{
...        "$": "$*",
...        "BOOK_PRICE": {"$": "@template().price"}}]})
{"books": [{"BOOK_PRICE": 4}, {"BOOK_PRICE": 5}, {"BOOK_PRICE": 6}]}